Saturday, February 12, 2011

Three Strikes You're Out (Part 4 of 4)

If she sees you as boyfriend or marriage material she may not want to be perceived as an easy lay. This scenario can be identified when you’re on a date and heading towards second or third base, and she says “You have to stop, I have to be good." This is also the culprit when you have a mutual sexually-progressive date on the first or second date, but she limits subsequent dates to kissing or caressing. She fears giving it up too soon and tells you that she has a rule to wait a certain number of dates or weeks or months. However long that is will be a random amount of time that she determines. And, of course, during this furlow period whenever you try to make a move you’ll get accused of just wanting sex from her. For me the clearest example was the girl that got topless on the second date, but then told me she wanted to wait three months before having sex. And, her three-month rule included no fooling-around whatsoever. Upon further inquiry to better understand her self-imposed celibacy, she admitted to having one-night stands with guys she didn’t perceive as having long-term potential as a mate, but saw herself as getting serious with me so she wanted to wait to have a physical relationship with me. In response, she got the tough-love speech from me wherein I told her of my three-date rule and we had one more date after that.

Hopefully you’re enlightened now and will remember to keep your eyes on your goal. If a girl is impeding you from getting what you want then move-on because there are women who are looking for the same thing you are.

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