Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ride Closures

Have you ever been to Disneyland? If so, you’ve probably noticed that they post a sign between the ticket windows outside the park listing the rides that are out of service that day. Hence, you can decide before purchasing a pricy admission ticket if the price of admission is worth it based on the particular ride closures. Similarly, I appreciate it when I have a date lined-up and the woman notifies me a few days before that she got her period and asks me if I still want to go out. This girl gets it. She understands the purpose of dating and that we’ll end-up in the bedroom at the end of the night. Usually I will be empathic and let her know that I still want our date to proceed and that I understand since she is on her period that after the date it can be all about me. In other words, if she’s uncomfortable having sex on her period, that I’ll be happy with a BJ. The girl I don’t want to go out with is the one who replies that since she is on her period she doesn’t want to have sex and that if she can’t have sex I can’t either. This is like going out to eat with woman who is allergic to shellfish, and telling me that I can’t order lobster for myself. Of course this brings to mind the incident where some guy ate peanuts and later kissed his girlfriend who was allergic to peanuts and she went into anaphylactic shock and died as a result of French kissing the peanut eater.

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